Lamar Newsletter Spanish
over 2 years ago, Cecilia Dowell
Boletin Escolar de marzo Lamar February Newsletter English
over 2 years ago, Cecilia Dowell
March Newsletter Lamar Public Library happenings in March lo que esta pasando en la biblioteca publica de Lamar
over 2 years ago, Cecilia Dowell
Lamar Public Library
due to a COVID-19 exposure. Ms. Donita's classroom C will be closed until March 20th. Children can return on March 21, 2022. If children experience symptoms related to COVID-19, please contact your local health department or health provider. Thank you
over 2 years ago, Cecilia Dowell
COVID closure
Atención familias: La clase de la Señorita Chandra está cerrada debido al COVID-19. Los niños pueden regresar el 7 de marzo de 2022. Si los niños experimentan síntomas relacionados con COVID-19, comuníquese con su departamento de salud local o proveedor de salud. Gracias
over 2 years ago, Cecilia Dowell
Ms. Chandra's no hay clases hast el 7 de marzo
Attention families: Miss Chandra's class is closed due to COVID-19. Children can return on March 7, 2022. If children experience symptoms related to COVID-19, please contact your local health department or health provider. Thank you
over 2 years ago, Cecilia Dowell
Ms. Chandra's Class is closed until March 7th
over 2 years ago, Cecilia Dowell
diaper bank
Valley Wide Dental will be at our center tomorrow to provide dental education and dental screenings to the children that need a dental exam. We are excited to have the dental team in our center!
over 2 years ago, Cecilia Dowell
VW dental in Lamar
Circulo de Padres, reunion esta noche
over 2 years ago, Cecilia Dowell
Circulo de Padres, esta noche
Circle of Parents Meeting Tonight! See flyer attached
over 2 years ago, Cecilia Dowell
Circle of Parents meeting tonight!
English and Spanish February Newsletters have been added to our page Los boletines de Febrero en Ingles y español estan en nuestra pagina web
over 2 years ago, Cecilia Dowell
In anticipation of Wednesday's predicted snow storm and subzero wind chill temperatures. our CDS Head Start school will be closed for students and Staff for Wednesday, February 2nd anticipando el evento de nieve el miercoles y los vientos de bajo zero grados, nuestra escuela CDS Head Start estara cerrada para estudiantes y personal el miercoles, 2 de febrero
over 2 years ago, Cecilia Dowell
snow day
Mes de Salud Dental - Presentacion virtual para padres
over 2 years ago, Cecilia Dowell
Mes de Salud Dental
Dental Health Month Virtual presentation for parents
over 2 years ago, Cecilia Dowell
Dental Health Month
Attention families: Classroom D in Lamar is closed due to COVID-19. Students can return February 7. If your child shows symptoms of COVID please contact your local health department or primary care provider. Thank you
over 2 years ago, Candice Miell
Dear Lamar Head Start Parents, please take the survey below regarding our next Family Night Estimadas Familias de Head Start, por favor tomen la encuesta arriba sobre nuestra proxima noche de familia
over 2 years ago, Cecilia Dowell
February Family Night
Our Parent Workshop is scheduled for Thursday, January 20th at 2:00pm. Take the survey below to let us know if you will be attending Nuestro Taller para Padres esta programado para el jueves, 20 de enero a las 2:00pm. Tome la encuesta abajo para dejarnos saber si usted asistira.
over 2 years ago, Cecilia Dowell
CDS Alert: Due to a positive COVID test all classrooms in Lamar Head Start will be closed. Children will return Monday, 1/17. If you have any questions please call 719-384-3100.
almost 3 years ago, Tyler Rhodes
Children return to school on Tuesday, January 4th Los niños regresan a la escuela el martes 4 de enero
almost 3 years ago, Cecilia Dowell