Attention families: There will be no Head Start classes in Lamar Wednesday. Welcome Home will be closed due to potential high winds.
almost 3 years ago, Candice Miell
Sesion de informacion para padres ha cambiado a ZOOM. se enviara un folleto a casa hoy!
almost 3 years ago, Cecilia Dowell
listening session
Listening Session meeting has been changed to ZOOM. A flyer with information is going home today.
almost 3 years ago, Cecilia Dowell
listening session
Check out our newsletter or calendar for next week’s dress up days! Also, don't forget early release on Thursday at NOON for Parent/Teacher Conferences
almost 3 years ago, Cecilia Dowell
¡Mire nuestro boletín o calendario para los días de disfraces de la próxima semana! Además, no olvide salida temprano el jueves al mediodía para las conferencias de padres/maestras
almost 3 years ago, Cecilia Dowell October Newsletter Spanish
about 3 years ago, Cecilia Dowell
October Newsletter Spanish
about 3 years ago, Cecilia Dowell
October Newsletter English
Update: Classroom A, Miss Tamara and Miss Shellann's classroom, is closed through Oct. 2 due to exposure to COVID-19. Staff and students in this classroom will need to quarantine. School will resume Oct. 4. If you have any questions, please call 719-336-1203. Thank you for your cooperation.
about 3 years ago, Candice Miell
GRATIS Chequeo de Asiento de Seguridad de Coche- 25 de septiembre de 1:00pm a 4:00pm Ubicado en la Iglesia First Baptist Church 1600 S. Main St. Lamar, CO 81052
about 3 years ago, Cecilia Dowell
Asiento de Seguridad
FREE Car Seat Safety Checks at the First Baptist Church 1600 S. Main St. Lamar, CO September 25th 1:00pm to 4:00pm enter from 5th street and follow the arrows around the building
about 3 years ago, Cecilia Dowell
Car Seat Safety
Child Find Event is Tomorrow! see the flyer for more information
about 3 years ago, Cecilia Dowell
Policy Council Election: We had 2 parents running for Policy Council Representative and 2 positions open, therefore an election will not be necessary. Congratulations to Racheal Kisamore and Valerie Pineda!!
about 3 years ago, Cecilia Dowell
Policy Council
We at Lamar Head Start want to extend our condolences to the Wiley Families and Community. Our hearts and prayers are with you all. As a sign of solidarity and support we ask that students and staff wear blue on Monday
about 3 years ago, Cecilia Dowell
Wiley Panthers
Head Start Reminder: Please stay in your car when picking up and dropping off your child to ensure the safety of you, your child and others.
about 3 years ago, Tyler Rhodes
Noche de Familia/ Casa Abierta es mañana, jueves, 9 de septiembre de 5:30 a 6:30pm. Venga a conocer a la maestra, ver el salon y disfrutar de sandia afuera en el patio de recreo. Cobertura facial es requerida para todos los adultos mientras esta adentro del edificio.
about 3 years ago, Cecilia Dowell
Casa Abierta
Family Night/Open House is Tomorrow! Thursday, September 9th from 5:30 to 6:30pm. Come meet the teacher, see the classroom and enjoy some watermelon outside in the playground. Masks are required for all adults while indoors.
about 3 years ago, Cecilia Dowell
Open House
Reminder: Monday is Labor Day- No School Recordatorio: Lunes es Dia del Trabajo- No hay clases
about 3 years ago, Cecilia Dowell
Two classrooms are closed at the Lamar Center due to illness. They will reopen September 7. Families affected by the closure have been notified. If you have any questions, please call Cecilia Dowell, Center Manager, at 719-336-1203. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
about 3 years ago, Candice Miell Lamar Head Start August 2021 Newsletter Spanish
about 3 years ago, Cecilia Dowell
logo Lamar Head Start August 2021 Newsletter English
about 3 years ago, Cecilia Dowell